Without Peter’s tireless endeavours the flight sim world would soon grind to a halt! Pete’s web site is įDC Live Cockpit! 2011 Content Starting Off.
Fokker Services’ web site is Pete Dowson - for his kind permission to include a copy of FSUIPC on this CD and as part of the initial installation package, and for including a copy of ADVDisplay on the CD. Marco van Dijk (Stork, Fokker Service) - for his great Fokker 50 flight deck picture for the DVD case, CD, and advertising material. Scott Hayden - Originator of the idea to implement the checklist functionality in FDC’s predecessor, S-Combo. Maybe next time? Peter Gellion - Proof-reading all documentation and context-sensitive help texts. Ray spent many long hours collating data we never got to use. Ray Epps - QuickStart Flight development, performance and checklist development for the DC3 and Fokker 50, and never ending help, advice and support. OnCourse Software PO Box 17, Henlow, SG16 6WA ENGLAND E-mail: Website: Copyright: 2010 / Aerosoft GmbH Airport Paderborn/Lippstadt 33142 Bueren, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 29 55 / 76 03-10 Fax: +49 (0) 29 55 / 76 03-33 E-Mail: Internet: įDC Live Cockpit! 2011 Manual Add-on for: Microsoft Flight Simulator X 3įDC Live Cockpit! 2011 Credits: Marcus Borg - Program graphics design and development. Add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator and FS2004! 2011 ManualįDC Live Cockpit! 2011 Developed by Dave March - Program design and development.